Medical Missions # 4

Mission # 4 took place in Bahir Dar and Addis Ababa

Team Members

Ephrem Alemayehu, MD.

Hirut Abebe, MD.

Length of Mission

Three Weeks

February & March 2022


Bahir Dar:

Tibebe Ghion Specialized Hospital


Addis Ababa

Armed Force Hospital

The team has provided miscellaneous medical supplies including gauze bandages, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, transparent surgical tapes, stethoscopes, fingertip pulse oximeters, BP monitors and digital thermometers to Tenta hospital in Wolo Region.

Like the previous mission, team members have also shared experiences with local medical practitioners.

Orthopedic equipment and supplies, worth of nearly 1.6 ET bought from a local medical supplier were donated to two hospitals: Tibebe Ghion Hospital and Armed Force Hospital